My Very First Blog Post

Welcome to my very first blog post! After 20 years in the Interior Design industry, I am just now stepping out into the very wide world of blogging. I'm not sure why it has taken me so long to log my design thoughts and news, but I am very excited (and a little nervous) to be here! Who knows where this part of the journey will lead, but my hope is that it helps you to get to know me better.

Let's start with my biggest news! I recently moved into a new office and design space in Claremont, California, which has felt like a new beginning and has breathed a fresh new wave of inspiration into my work.  This past year, the situation became more than a little cramped when my office doubled as my son's virtual classroom.  When,  in mid-2020, I realized that this pandemic life was not going to end quickly, I knew there was an immediate need to adjust the work/life balance. 

I was lucky enough to find and hire my amazing design assistant who seamlessly fell into step with my flow and instantly relieved some of my workload. Together we began the search for an office space.  We located an office above one of our favorite real estate brokers, hired another team member and have settled into a great rhythm.  Setting up the design studio space together was our first project as a team. The studio allows us to collaborate as a team, provides room to spread out projects, meet with our clients, and still have the occasional home school moments.  We feel like we nailed our first challenge as a team, and we had a great time doing it!

I am now so proud to introduce my team and give you a peek at our beautiful office space!

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Jahanna Nichols Interior Design Team
Interior Design - Dinning table in a white-painted room
Interior Design tools on top of a table
Jahanna Nichols